New Year - New You?
Here at Masters of Martial Arts Academy we have a number of ways to support you and help you achieve your goals for 2024.
Why not spend an hour in our gym as an alternative to sitting on you phone for an hour watching the kids in class? We have a cross trainer, rower, kettlebells and you can use our other dojo when not in use for some bag work or other open space exercise.
Gym membership is only £30 for the whole year if you’re an Academy member (parent/guardian of a student) or £45 if not.
YOGA every Thursday?

The benefits of yoga are well documented. If you fancy something other than gym or martial arts, then Helen, our yoga instructor from Soul Calm Yoga puts two sessions on every Thursday at 5pm and 6.30pm. It must be good for you, as five of our instructors attend every week.
Message Helen on Facebook at or email at for more details or to reserve a mat.
I bet some of you have sat there and thought I’d like to try Ju Jitsu, but never got round to taking it any further. Well use this New Year as your kickstart to doing something about it. It can be a great family activity that brings you all together as you can help and support each other on your journeys to black belt.
Speak with Phoenix on the desk and he’ll book you in for your free tryout session or book it here on the website. Don't foget to ask him about our family discount scheme too.
TEACH THE PARENTS CLASS - Weds 17th January 2024?
If that isn’t enough to tempt you, we’ve got our special Teach The Parent class on Weds 17th January 2024 from 6pm until 7pm.
We’re inviting our Junior students to bring an adult to class so they can pass on some of their knowledge and skills to you - all done in a fun way of course and it's suitable for whatever fitness level you are at.
Sensei Phil brought his dad along 20 years ago, and Sensei Leo Turner is still doing it now aged 82 - so you've all got no excuses!
Please book this free session using the following link as spaces will be limited
We know that some of our ladies can be a little self conscious about joining a mixed class, but there's no need to be. For thata very reason we have our Ladies Only session every Saturday at 4.15pm. Experience has taught us that after a couple of months, most of the attendees think nothing of attending the mixed sessions as an alternative.
Our own Sensei's Pam, Karenne and Nichola all joined us via this route - feel free to ask them how it was for them.

Speak with Phoenix on the desk and he’ll book you in for your free tryout session or book it here on the website.
It's also cheaper when more than one trains too !
From all of us at Masters of Martial Arts Blackburn
Happy New Year for 2024