We have made some slight changes to Saturday class times commencing this Saturday, 15th September.
With the recent influx of students from our Audley club, we are adjusting the classes to provide smaller range of belts within each junior class, and thus improve the quality of the teaching.
Adults class now starts at 9am
Little Dragons is now 10:15am and 3:30pm
Junior Free Tryout Class 11am
Junior Beginners (red to yellow belt) 11:30am and 2:30pm
Junior Intermediate (orange stripe to blue belt) 1:30pm
Junior Advanced (purple stripe to brown belt) 12:30pm together with
Junior Teen Beginners (red to yellow belt) 12:30pm
Ladies Only class 4:15pm
We will be texting/emailing all students to remind you of the new times. Should you have any problems with these time changes, please speak with Sensei Phil Turner on 07813 249789 and I am sure we will be able to accomodate you.
The changes only affect Saturday classes, please attend your normal weekday classes as usual.