Firstly, we would like to congratulate all the junior students who graded this Sunday, unfortunately the snow hindered some of our eager students from getting there!
In September 2016, our students and instructors met and formed a Community Interest Company (CIC) run and owned by the members. A CIC is a social enterprise that wants to use its profits and assets for the public good. In our case it is a ‘not for profit’ sports club set up to acquire a training venue and to promote our martial art of Ju Jitsu to a wider audience, with all surpluses reinvested in the venue or to provide support for students.
As we have been a not for profit sports club for over 12 months now, we plan to apply for Community Amateur Sports Club status, which will bring some benefits in terms of exemptions from corporation tax, reduced business rates and Gift Aid benefits.
Our first year annual accounts have also now been prepared and we plan to hold an AGM in the near future. One of the benefits ot the way we are structured is that companies and individuals can donate their time or money safe in the knowledge that no-one takes a profit from the Academy.
We have been supported by the following generous companies - LED Electrical Blackburn who donated our handryers and accessories, Dulux Decorator Centre provided cut price paint, whilst FirePro Accrington did for our lighting and fire safety equipment. Blackburn security systems company NIS kindly donated and installed a security alarm at the Academy through their Community Commitment Programme. Digital media & marketing company Square Cactus have been making sure we are being seen in the right places. And of course our brilliant website design, development and management by LUKAS DIGITAL.
We also can’t forget to thank many of our students and parents who gave their time to get the Academy off the ground. Many thanks - you know who you are.
The final pieces of the jigsaw, namely our new signage for above McDonalds, will announce to the whole of Blackburn that we have arrived and are definitely open for business!
Don't miss out - follow Sensei’s Burogu (blog) for all the latest news.
Keigu (Kind Regards),